Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well today is the inauguration...exciting..yes?

Today history is officially made..yes history was made on election night..but today is truly the payoff..Barack Obama takes oath of office..how exciting!!

I will be at work during the oath..we will have tv's streaming it..but with no sound..so I TiVo'd it to watch when I get home.

I am addicted to the Bachelor..again..he was my favorite from the Bachelorette,so I am glad he has a shot..but the biotch is coming back to stir some stuff and I hope he tells her to F off..really I do. Guess I will find out when everyone else does.

I was sooo tired when I got home from work last night and I was not even sure why..it was not like it was sooo busy that I was stressed from that..in fact,quite the opposite..it was dead and until about 5pm I got 3 calls...then I got a couple of more..but nothing I could not handle..I do much much more when it is busy..I can handle quadruple of what I have been getting call wise these last few months..our economy is causing the business I am in to struggle..but it is what it is until Obama can fix it..I just need to concentrate on being employed as so many are not.

Money is problematic right now,I am basically supporting my house myself and have 2 others living with me,but except for 1 person paying a low monthly rent,I am pretty much doing it by myself and as I am finding out..it is not easy..hopefully with my roommate finally working she will start contributing to the cause and we can play catch up..I will have to talk to her because starting this paycheck she needs to add to the house fund..if she doesn't ..all I will have enough for is the mortgage..and that is all. The rest will go to the crapper.

I really have not much else to say..I work..I eat..I sleep and basically that is my life now,no time or money for a night out or a dinner out. Good thing we went major food shopping and there is really no reason to have to eat out..ya know what I mean?

Anyway..I know this post is not humorous like the last was..sometimes I am not sooo funny.

O.K here is something..the thing growing on my face? it now has a smile LOL..ok that is my way of saying the bugger is HUGE and I want it GONE!!!!

Have a great Tues


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